Tuesday, July 3, 2012


To learn about Indexing and how to participate go to indexing.familysearch.org
We are indexing worldwide records to make them available FREE ONLINE to those who are seraching for their Family History.

History is a wonderful thing, especially when you get to be part of it! 
     FamilySearchIndexing set a goal to index and arbitrate 5 million names in 24 hours.  This was a worldwide goal and anyone was invited to participate.  Here in Arizona, it started at 5 pm on July 1, 2012
     Dear Daughter and I both paricipated and we watched Facebook for updated during the 24 hours.  We hit the 5 million names with about 5or 6 hours left to go.  Then the numbers just started to climb so fast!!  I had to check Facebook every hour for the next update.

This morning they gave us the total:
        Final Record Count:

        ■7,258,151 Indexed
        ■3,082,728 Arbitrated
        ■10,340,879 Total
            (46,091 indexers and arbitrators paticipating)

      It is such a great feeling to know I participated in this and helped set a historical marker!  They even created a trophy for us to print or share.


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