Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today was another play day for me. Well, if you count sewing felt around baskets playing.

I was able to go over to the Scottsdale Civic Center Library and watch the beginning of the installation of the Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef. They were only installing the “People’s Reef”, which is about one fourth of the whole exhibit. This reef was made by crafters in Chicago & New York. There is more to the “People’s Reef”, but this is all they could fit in with our space. The “Scottsdale Reef” will become part of the “People’s Reef” after the Arizona Exhibit and will travel with it as space allows.

See the boxes in the background? This is what the “People’s Reef” was packed in. Amazing!
Diana, with a funny face.

Here is Wendy contemplating how things look and what needs adjusting.

A view from the level above the Gallery. The rest of the room will be filled with crocheted pieces.

You can see what Robin & I did by her feet. We sewed felt around baskets so that pieces can be attached to them easily.

These are pictures of pieces or groups of pieces.
Realize that each square foot has at least 10-15 pieces in it.

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