We are indexing worldwide records to make them available FREE ONLINE to those who are seraching for their Family History.
History is a wonderful thing, especially when you get to be part of it!
FamilySearchIndexing set a goal to index and arbitrate 5 million names in 24 hours. This was a worldwide goal and anyone was invited to participate. Here in Arizona, it started at 5 pm on July 1, 2012
Dear Daughter and I both paricipated and we watched Facebook for updated during the 24 hours. We hit the 5 million names with about 5or 6 hours left to go. Then the numbers just started to climb so fast!! I had to check Facebook every hour for the next update.
This morning they gave us the total:
Final Record Count:
■7,258,151 Indexed
■3,082,728 Arbitrated
10,340,879 Total
(46,091 indexers and arbitrators paticipating)
It is such a great feeling to know I participated in this and helped set a historical marker! They even created a trophy for us to print or share.